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Monday, December 21, 2009


Is it me or does it still not feel like Christmas yet? I never thought I would say this but I really, really want it to snow. This year is definitely going to be different for our family. The youngest now knows about the whole "Santa" thing so we can't really do our family tradition of hiding from Santa and watching him deliver our gifts. Seriously it was the BEST tradition ever. All of us kids were devastated when my mom said we were not going to do it this year. She does have a point though. I'm almost tempted to head over to our neighbors behind us and be part of their family for a day because they can still do the tradition! My mom looked at me and said,

Mom: "Well as soon as you get married and have a kid then we can start up the tradition again!"

Me: "Yeah mom....I'll get right on that."

I love my family.

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