Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 20

This week was a very eventful week. We went to our first ultrasound appointment where we found out that you are a....GIRL!!! Your mama was hoping you would be a girl and was so excited when she told us. It was so fun to see you wiggle around on the big screen. Your parts are all in the right place and everything looks good. You have been very active this week but every time your papa tries to feel you kick, you play hide and seek with him. Little stinker. We tricked you though and your papa was able to feel you move around quite a lot! You are without a doubt getting stronger. We are looking at different girl names and we have narrowed it down to two but we are leaning more towards one than the other. Little girl we are so excited to meet you and know that so many people love you already!


  1. ah I have been checking your blog everyday to see if you are going to have a girl or a boy!! I'm so excited for you!!!! You are so cute!

  2. Hooray for girls. Your pocket book is in trouble because it is so easy to spend money on girly things.
    You look great!

  3. Yay a girl! You wanted a girl! Those booties are adorable.

  4. I'm so happy for you!! You are going to have the most darling little lady and they are such fun!
