Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Motherhood guest post #4

It's time for another motherhood post! Our next guest is Katy. I just recently visited her and her cute baby girl  who is just the cutest thing ever.

"First of all, I am really happy to be writing a guest post about being a mom, but I feel very under qualified. I had my baby two months ago, and that time has gone by so quickly! I am still learning and discovering new things, but here is what I have to say about being a mother so far.

Some of the best advice that I received while I was pregnant was from a coworker who has a little 18-month-old little girl. She said to me “Don’t be worried if you aren’t absolutely over-the-moon in love with your baby the first time you see her.” I know that sounds very cynical, but she explained that before she had her little one, she wasn’t what you would call a “baby person”. She said that when she first held her baby, she was thinking “wow, this little person is just a stranger to me”. However, she warned me that if I felt that way, those feelings would come and I would grow to love her more and more as we got to know each other.

I have always adored babies, but it was true; the first time I saw my little Evelyn all I could really feel was overwhelmed. I had a very scary emergency C-section, and I wasn’t able to see her for her first seven hours of life, and then they finally wheeled me into the NICU to see her, I wept. It wasn’t the feeling that I had been expecting. It was a very overwhelmed feeling that left me thinking, “Oh my goodness, I am responsible for this little person’s life!” However, what my coworker said was true. Those feelings of love and attachment continue to grow day by day.
Two months out, I am still falling in love with her more and more every day. The first time she smiled at me and I felt like she recognized me, my heart exploded with joy. Her little wobbly head is the dearest thing I have ever seen. Her wide eyes staring at me from her car seat make me want to stop everything and stare right back. Every little development is cause for celebration. Call the grandparents! Post on Facebook! Our baby is amazing!

I now take about a thousand pictures of her every week, send my husband text messages about poop, and purposely catch projectile vomit with my shirt to keep it off of the furniture… and I love every minute of it.

I worried that having a baby would be hard on my marriage, and that my husband and I would not be as close as we always have been. We have found that you do have to work harder to make time for each other and spend time together, but there is nothing more beautiful and romantic to me than seeing my husband rock our baby to sleep. It has only made us stronger, but I think that has also been a choice on our part. I have a wonderful and supportive husband who splits her care 50/50 with me. He is so good with her, and I often think that she prefers him over me! That actually makes me very happy because I think every girl should grow up with an involved and loving father to watch out for them.
Being a mom so far has been life changing, but wonderfully so. I love my beautiful little family, and I know that we were meant to be together... and will be forever!"

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