Sunday, March 1, 2009


I know this is rather late, but I finally got the pictures from my birthday. It's weird to think now that I can no longer be called a teenager. I never thought that would ever happen! But life is just getting started and I am so excited to see where it takes me next! So here are a few pictures of my birthday along with a random picture of me snowshoeing which I was able to do with my dad during my birthday week! So much fun!

The family plus Jamie. Nate is gone on a date :)

You'd think a camera would come in a smaller package.

Blowing out the candles of my heavenly tasting cheese cake

No birthday of mine is complete without some type of pearls!


As I look a these pictures, I notice that my dad is so much tanner than I am! Oh yeah that's right....he and my mom and leaving me and the rest of the kids to go to Hawaii....I will muster all the smiles I can and wish them the best! I really do hope the have a fun time though!

Thanks to my friends and family for making this a wonderful birthday for me!

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