Sunday, March 1, 2009


I already wrote today but I just wanted to comment on how awesome my ward is. I look forward to every fast and testimony meeting because I get to hear so many wonderful testimonies. The spirit is constantly there and is felt very strongly. It's like a spiritual feeding and I never want it to end! I've never noticed how many converts that are in my ward. Many of them bore their testimony today and you could just see how blessed and happy their life had become because of the gospel. We have a member in our ward who just joined the church last year and it's been wonderful to see the changes that he has taken because of this choice he has made. Each one of them are such great examples to me in how they live their life. I'm so thankful to be part of such a wonderful ward, with an awesome bishopric, and a ward full of strong members of the church.

This will be my last post for this week as I decided that I need to take a break from technology for a week. I know some of us fall into this trap sometimes. I feel like I am always on the computer surfing the web when I have nothing else to do. I hope that by doing this it will help me to use this extra time doing the things I really should be doing such as more scripture study, baptisms, and service. I will post again after the week is over and let you all know how things went since this week will be full of fun things that I will be doing! Until then.

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