Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hey don't eat that!

In a way, not much has happened with our little family. But then again, a lot of things have happened. First Jake was able to get an internship with the church working with Family Search which was really exciting for us! I am so grateful for the career choice that Jake has chosen. It is a huge relief to know that no matter where we go, Jake will never have a hard time getting a job. That is huge for me as I look forward to being a stay at home mom!

Speaking of being a mom, every time I try to push the rewind or pause button it never seems to work. Little miss e has mastered the art of crawling and now likes to pull up on anything and stand up! She makes sure someone is looking and gives us a big gummy grin like "look at me ma!" I swear that little girl is going to be walking before I can teach her how to crawl up the stairs. She loves any stuff/real animal you put in front of her. Jake and I are planning on taking her to the zoo soon since the weather is fabulous right now! She has slowly started to venture off her little blanket and explore the grass more. She wasn't sure about it for a long time. Now she loves to "pet" the grass and pick up the little acorns that have fallen from the trees and try to eat them.

I love this little girly!

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