Thursday, March 29, 2012

Motherhood guest post #7

My dear friend Kim is my next motherhood guest. We both got married on the same day and had our babies six days apart! Crazy stuff right there. It was fun to have another person that was going through all that fun pregnancy stuff with you!

"Last June (one week after our first year anniversary), I found out I was pregnant! Me? Right now? Heavenly Father, are you sure about this? I'm a dance major and not ready to be a Mom yet. I still have to finish school! Plus Aaron and I are just getting the hang of married life and everything that that entails. I was frustrated. This wasn't my plan, nor did I feel it was my time to be a stay at home just didn't sound that glamorous to me. I had seen so many crazy, undisciplined kids that I simply didn't want my own at the time. But I had to take a step back, it wasn't up to me anymore... this was God's plan for me and I needed to follow His will. Its tough to give up your dreams and desires to follow an unknown path full of unknown adventures, but I did it anyway. I had to toss my fear out the window and muster up enough faith to carry me through the next nine months of pregnancy. 

Somehow, by some miracle... I was able to switch my major from Dance to University Studies - this change alone helped me to graduate about two months before Michael was born. I did it! I graduated college with my bachelor's degree! Maybe it wasn't the major I had originally chosen or the route I had originally planned... but after all was said and done, I still was able to accomplish my goal I had set for myself. Then things became a little bit easier for a while...until the hard times set in. I was used to dancing 9 to 10 hours a day, plus going to the gym, running my errands, doing laundry, cleaning the house, going to the temple and on dates with Aaron...ward activities, social outings, etc. And then I quickly changed from an active lifestyle to (in my eyes) a sedentary one. Not a fun switcharoo I must say. But somehow I was still able to get in my daily exercise regime and clean and craft... and all that jazz... just a little less dancing. Then came the time to prepare the nursery... crazy but I didn't really care to make it all cute. I really wasn't excited to have a baby. I had quite the bad attitude, I must say. Slowly, I decided to change my attitude. Since I couldn't change the situation, nor could I back out... it was time I found a way to enjoy the journey that was about to take place in my life. I started crafting and sewing and cleaning up a storm! I even made drapes for the nursery - and I'm not a seamstress! Miracles do happen! haha 

For some reason I wasn't progressing on my own, so Aaron and I decided the doctor should induce me. Saturday Morning (Feb. 11th) I was induced and got the epidural after I was dilated to a 4 and then I pushed for two hours and there he was! The doctor let Aaron "catch" Mikey with him and place little Michael on my chest for the first time so he could meet his mommy. I held him and immediately started bawling. I began to try to calm his crying and had an infinite and instant love for this baby boy I had been carrying for the past nine months. It was such an overwhelming experience. Nothing could've prepared me for that moment. Its been a little over a month now since I gave birth to little Michael and its crazy how fast he has grown mentally and physically. He can roll over on his own and scoot across his blanket if you help him a bit. He is such a cuddle bug and loves to sleep on Mommy or Daddy's chest instead of in his bassinet or swing. I love being a Mom and taking care of such a cute and innocent little guy, but I must admit, Motherhood is exhausting hard work. Its tough waking up every few hours to feed him and change his diaper or soothe him to sleep again. And then waking up the next morning to do the same thing all day. I have found that its hard for me to get ready before 2 in the afternoon because he needs so much constant care. Its a luxury to take a shower now, rather than just something I had to do each day. :) Things change and you have to learn to do things really fast and while they are sleeping. Laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, getting ready for the day are just a few simple things that must get sped up and done in between feedings. Its definitely a new adventure, but I am willing to take it and find a way to enjoy every step of the way. It gets better every day. My advice to all new Mothers out there would be to keep up on your scripture reading, journal writing and prayers... for these are the things that will give you the strength to carry on through the hard times. Also, keep doing the things that make you happy. Work out, dance, sing, go outside for a walk, etc. Do what makes you you so that you can help your little one to become who they are supposed to be as well:). Find joy in every step of your new and exciting journey :) Stay positive and take it one day at a time!"

Thanks Kim and congrats again on your new little boy!

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