Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Motherhood guest post #3

It's time for another post on Motherhood! Thanks to all who have participated so far! I love being able to read these and get a little glimpse on what motherhood is all about. Our next guest is Katrina. Reading this has eased my thoughts on moms that work after their child is born because I plan on being a working mom. 

"To understand a mother's love, bear your own children."
-- Chinese Proverb

"The day my son Saxton was born was one of the most physically and emotionally challenging day of my life. The next was when I went back to work.
Not really a coincidence that some of the hardest things I have ever done, are tied to being a mom. Yikes! You’ve got to be made of some serious stuff to do this job! It begins with “Am I REALLY pregnant? We’ve only been trying for three weeks!” to “Bleh. Will the morning sickness (which is really every-minute-of-the-day sickness) EVER go away?!” to “Are those REALLY my ankles?!” and “I’m a size what...?” to the final “I CANNOT push one more time Dr. Rallison. It hurts. A lot!” Then comes the “Will I ever get more than two hours of sleep?” and “Could this car seat and diaper bag be any heavier?!” to “Wow. I had no idea you could crawl so fast. Guess I should have put that up higher.” and “I had no idea you could throw such a big tantrum!”
I could go on and on and on about all of the tough stuff that comes with being a mommy, but no one can ever prepare you for the first time you hold that tiny little baby, and for the COUNTLESS blessings that come with being a mom. Cliché? For good reason! From baby fingers a toes, to the first time you realize that you are having a semi-conversation with your little one (and that they are not so little any more), and everything in between; being a mommy is so worth it.
Because we live in a different type of world, I have the blessing and challenge of being a working mom. At first I thought I was a total and utter failure of a woman because I couldn’t be a stay at home mom, but I now realize what a blessing it is, and how much we have been blessed. It makes the time I get to spend with my little man and my hubby all the more sweet. Nothing makes me happier than to see his face when I come home from work, and to hear “Hi mommy!” My hubby and I are daily in awe at his development and growth, and of course, his super cuteness! He teaches me so much.
Although nothing can really prepare you to be a mommy, it’s a pretty great thing to realize you’re not doing a half bad job. Being a mom is really the greatest blessing in the world."

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