Monday, August 29, 2011

A trip down memory lane

A dear patient of mine was able to stop by for a little visit a bit ago. She has been dealing with cancer and is finally in remission! She looks so good and it was so exciting to see her so full of energy. We chatted for a while, talking about our chemo stories, baldness, throwing up and etc. I told her the good news and she asked me if being pregnant brought back any memories of going through chemo. I laughed and told her definitely yes! In a way, I feel going through chemo has prepared me quite well for pregnancy. Yes it sucks throwing up and feeling nauseous but this time around, I don't mind it. It kind of reassures me the baby is still in there and things are going well! Secretly I always get nervous right before I go to my doctor appointment, thinking they are going to tell me I miscarried and that I am no longer pregnant. Am I the only one that is this paranoid? 

One thing that has also brought back memories during this is the small things that I am constantly thankful for. I love that new outlook on life and I feel being pregnant has renewed that for me. I feel I need to have that outlook on life more often. I remember going through chemo and being so grateful when I could hold something down for longer than a couple of hours. Now I'm grateful for when I have one day that I am not feeling nauseous. But I would go through all that and more for this little baby. I don't even know if it's a boy or girl yet, but I love this little baby already!

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone cute girl.. I sat in the doctors waiting room and made my blood pressure sky high worrying that the heartbeat wouldn't be there. To the bitter end I worried, so don't feel alone.
    So very excited for you!
