Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ma mère

I want to with all those mom's out there a Happy Mothers Day! Especially my mom. What a wonder woman. Seriously I am so lucky. As Mothers Day came around my thoughts turned to all the little traits my mother has passed onto me.

-A love of music
-A love of musicals, plays, Broadways...anything musical
-A love of chocolate. Mmmm chocolate
-My small hands
-Small feet
-My lack in height which is actually fine with me
-My love of life and everything around me
-Very almond shaped eyes or as Jake would put them, my Chinese eyes
-Her looks. Everyone says that I am a "mini me" of my mom
-Always reading a book. Always.
-Hard worker. Yes my mom taught me how to work.

The list could go on and on. Basically I just want to thank my mom for raising me the way that she did. She has been a huge example in my life and always someone I can turn to. Mom you are the best! Thank you for always being there for me.

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