Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend and Mother's Day

Well despite being by myself for five days I was able to have a little bit of fun. Pilot man and I went on a hike and was able to see some very pretty sights. We didn't quite make it to the top of our hike because we reached snow. Yep. Snow. But it was fun! I love being outside and the fresh air was wonderful.

Then after that I headed home! Finally! I was in some desperate need of some social interaction and my family did just that. Megs loaded me up to my hearts desire of Broadways and Natalia and I attempted to watch the many episodes of Bones that had been recorded. Mother's Day was very nice indeed. The family and I got up to go see Mom at the Music and the Spoken Word and then walked around Temple Square to look at all the pretty flowers. Truly that ground is sacred because those tulips are huge! The weather couldn't have been more perfect. I'm so grateful for my mom and all that she does for me. I only wish I can grow up to be more like her! Now I just have to survive a couple more weeks here up in Ogden. It makes me sad that I will be leaving...but excited at the same time!

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