Wednesday, April 15, 2009


...It's still raining. Except this time it's more like slushing. It's trying to snow but it's not quite making it which is totally fine by me. Yes I am wearing my awesome rain boots. It's been raining so hard that the duck pond thing in front of Weber State is over flooded! The water is up to the bridges that go across! Haha crazy rain! But again I can't tell you how much I love it! I feel like I am in a little slice of Ireland with everything being so green!

So after making my way from the bottom of campus to the very top of campus for my lab, I get there to find there is no lab. Blast! I hate when they do this and don't tell me! Now I don't have class till 11:30. I could've slept in....not that that would've been very long with the roommies heart attacking alarm clock going off every five minutes. What to do, what to do....

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