Thursday, April 9, 2009


As I walk around campus, my eyes behold all the little things that are emerging as spring is struggling to get here. The trees are budding and some even have blossoms that are blooming. Cute little flowers are popping out of the ground and the grass looks oh so green! I love it. Also emerging is the number of couples I see walking around campus. It's cute when you are with someone too, but right now it's just vexatious. They are EVERYWHERE! Not that I'm not happy where I am in my life right now, but it seems that everywhere I go, a couple pops out of nowhere, holding hands. Winter....not a couple in sight! Spring really is the time for things to happen and to emerge I guess.
Today at work a patient came in that had just given plasma. The dentist and one of the other assistants were talking to him about it when I came into the room to hear him say, "It hurts and you can still see the hole in my arm where they drew the blood!" I guess he and the dentist noticed the look on my face after he said that because the dentist turned to him and said, "she is giving plasma tomorrow.....and it's her first time!" The patient turns to me with a smile on his face and wishes me luck. Uh....okay?!? I'm not afraid of needles and any of that stuff, but this made me a little nervous. I have been told I have awesome veins from my nurse buddies so hopefully they will just have to poke me once. I will give you details about it tomorrow...if I am still alive.

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