I need to write about my birthday and post some pictures but the only pictures that I have are on my moms' camera so that will have to wait.
Last night was a pretty bad night. Sleep wise. I woke up at 3:00 thinking it was somewhat close to six, (my roommates and I were going to do baptisms in the morning) but alas...it wasn't. I couldn't quite go back to sleep after that so I just layed there in bed until I fell into a very light sleep. Well it came time to go to class so my roommate and I got ready and headed to class. Monday we have lab at 10:00 then Bio Med at 11:30. Well we were both so tired I guess that we totally forgot about lab and went straight to class. First we walk in and our seats are taken. So we sat in a different spot. I took a look around and found that I don't recognize anyone in the class! I looked at my roommate with a very puzzled look. Then the professor came in and put up his slides for Microbiology! That's when we both realized we were in the wrong class. Blast! So we walk up out of the classroom and went to lab. So embarrassing! It's fine when that happens at the beginning of the semester, but when you're halfway through the semester, that's another story.
Heather! This is your cousin Michelle. That is a hilarious story, but I'm sorry you were embarrassed. I've totally done that before though. Talk about space case... I think we both need more sleep.