Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coming to a Close

This week is finally coming to a close! Thank heavens! I can now sit and take a breathe. Fill my lungs with precious least until Tuesday when I have to take another test. I am still not quite done with my dental hygiene essay but it's almost there! I've had writers block lately and am just waiting for some inspiration. But I plan to have it finished and mailed in sometime next week.....probably Thursday. It will feel so good to have that done and off my back. Today I woke up at 6:30 (I know crazy for a Saturday...) to study Bio Med. I finally had enough and took the test around 10 and got a not bad. Then around noon a bunch of us went bowling! I think the last time I had gone bowling was junior year in high school; so yes I was a bit rusty. My roommate and I just finished watching Moulin Rouge and we both sobbed a couple of tears.....lets just say I'm glad to have a roommate that gets as emotional as I do during movies; curse my blubbering emotions! I am excited for no school on Monday but sadly, I also work. Bleh. Hopefully this next week will go a little bit better than the previous week.

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