Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crazy week + fun weekend = good memories

Wow....where do I even begin?

Last week....
~Monday: Meteorology test
~Tuesday: 7 page paper due (that was started and finished on Sunday!)
~Wednesday: I don't even remember what happened Wednesday!
~Thursday: Work was crazy and people were just being stupid. Bio Med test which I hadn't really studied for....BUT....only missed two questions out of 60!!! Don't know how that happened. Midnight Twilight movie! I did indeed like it. Characters were good, (still don't really like Bella) and I thought they did a good job!
~Friday: Wasn't supposed to work but got called in anyway. Went to school and work on around 3-4 hours of sleep....that was fun!

And now for the weekend!
~Friday (night): Dinner at Buca di Beppo with the most hilarious group of people you could ever eat with! Had lots of funny pictures taken! Bells on Temple Square....I enjoyed it...but wished it could've been a lot shorter. Plus with only on 3-4 hours of sleep the pretty sound of the bells were slowing putting me to sleep :)
~Saturday: Got blindfolded (had people make funny faces at me and laugh) and was taken to a movie theatre to see Bolt with Broc and his little sister. It was such a cute movie and I enjoyed it immensely. It made when want to get a dog really really bad! Ate lunch at Charlies grilled subs (very good but I think I like Quiznos better). Put on my BYU shirt with pride and watched the depressing game with Brocs' family who were a bunch of Utah fans and ate some good food. Talk about outnumbered! BYU did really good the first half but totally bombed the second half. All in all I had so much fun and it was good to be home! Only three days till Thanksgiving break! Wahoo!! Mash potatoes and pumpkin pie here I come.

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