After doing a couple of good hours studying, I got the random urge to share my testimony! haha I don't know why but I decided to get a pen and paper and to just let my thoughts flow through my fingertips. It's hard for me to bear my testimony...I like to think that I share it mostly through music. I hope my testimony that I write here will help strengthen all who read it.
I have such a deep love for my savior, Jesus Christ. He suffered on the cross for me, bore my sins, and made it possible for me to be able to live with Him again. He has been there for me and loved me when I felt so alone and lost. I know that when I am going through a hard time or have a decision to make, that I can always go to Him for help. It may not be in the way that I expect it, or I may not get an answer at all, but I know that if I stay faithful, that he will not lead me astray. I have had many trials throughout my life, but I will say that I am very thankful for those trials. They have helped strengthen my testimony, my faith, made me a better person, and increased my love for the Savior. I know that He was with me through all of it. I know that the Book of Mormon was translated and sent here for us. The Book of Mormon has come alive for me over the past couple of years and I have learned so many things from really reading this awesome book. What an awesome tool we have been given; to help us in our days. In a world full of confusion, grey areas where it's hard to tell what is right from wrong, where there is so much uncertainty and blurry visions; I am so grateful for this gospel that brings light and color. Makes confusing things clear. Makes pain and fear, hatred and loneliness turn into hope, joy, and love. I am especially grateful for the knowledge that I have about the wonderful plan of salvation. Death is not the end! It is just another step for us to reach our Heavenly Father. I couldn't imagine what life would be without that knowledge. I have been extremely blessed to have been born into such a wonderful family. I am so grateful for them and for their example. I have also been blessed to have such wonderful friends who encourage me to be better and don't drag me down but help me keep my standards where they need to be. I am so thankful for our living prophet Thomas S. Monson. What a wonderful age we live in where we get to hear from him and his counselors. I know they are men called of God to help the saints through hard times. I'm so grateful for the precious moments I got to spend with Gordon B. Hinckley. He had such a great spirit about him and such a great love for the youth. He taught me to be patient. To love everyone unceasingly. To be the best that I can be. I'm grateful for the area in which I live. That I can go to the Lord's temple which is just minutes away, and to receive the blessings which come from the temple. I know that without a doubt that this church is true. I know that if I stay strong and have faith that I will one day be with my family up in Heaven. I love my savior and am so grateful that He has enough love for me; even when I tend to stray from Him. I love my family. I love this gospel. I'm grateful for everyday that I am able to do service and to share my testimony with others. I hope this testimony has strengthened yours as much as it has strengthened mine. I will end with a prayer from Gordon B. Hinckley:
"This is my prayer for all of us. Lord, increase our faith. Increase our faith to bridge chasms of uncertainty and doubt...Grant us faith to look beyond the problems of the moment to the miracles of the future...Give us faith to do what is right and let the consequence follow."
Heather, you're amazing. Have a stupendous day!