Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Six feet under

...I've got to catch my breath! I feel as though I am in a twister, tossing me around in homework, tests, work, and life. I just want to click my heels, and say "there's no place like home; there's no place like home." I really shouldn't be complaining because quite frankly, my life has been pretty well lately. I have straight A's in all my classes...and these are not your average gen ed classes; I work at the best dental office ever; my roommates are all awesome, (except we have had a little trouble now and then,) a new person has entered my life and things are just going great! It's just this week that has had me running on more than empty if that is physically possible; and it's only Tuesday! My immune system is crashing and my eating habits have plummeted.

Time? What is time?

I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel...but I can't quite seem to see it. Hmm my eye has been twitching a lot lately...maybe that might be it. Or it could be that I just spent a copious amount of time in the library, studying for 5 different tests!

I'm thinking that's it.


  1. Oh, you sweet thing, hang in there.

  2. Oh my hannah, can I say ditto? Yesterday I crashed for three hours on the couch and woke up feeling worse than when I went to sleep. I think I have an eye infection so I have to wear my glasses---and there just seems to be no time to sleep decently or eat decently!!!! And I'm the same as you---life is going great! How can we say that?!?!?!! But I recently heard the wise thought "If a college student isn't tired, they're dead." Oh---life, where are you?

  3. Hang in there, you sweet girl you! The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. :)
    You are the greatest!
